Drone Laws in Montreal: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024

Montreal, with its beautiful skyline and picturesque landscapes, is a popular destination for drone enthusiasts. However, before taking flight, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the drone laws in Montreal to ensure a safe and legal experience. This guide will provide you with an overview of the regulations, classifications, and considerations that every drone operator in Montreal should be aware of.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding drone laws in Montreal is essential for responsible drone operation.
  • Montreal has specific regulations for both Small RPAS and Micro RPAS.
  • Basic and advanced operations for Small RPAS have distinct requirements.
  • Micro RPAS must follow Canadian Aviation Regulations and “Good Practice” measures.
  • Safety considerations and compliance with regulations are crucial to ensure a risk-free experience.

Classifying Your Drone: Small RPAS and Micro RPAS

When it comes to drone operation in Montreal, it’s essential to understand the classification of drones. In this section, we will explore the two main categories: Small RPAS and Micro RPAS. By classifying your drone correctly, you can ensure compliance with the specific regulations and guidelines that apply to each category.

Small RPAS:

Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) are drones that weigh between 250 grams and 25 kilograms. These drones require certain legal requirements to operate within Montreal. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Pilot Certification: To fly a Small RPAS, you must possess a valid drone pilot certificate issued by Transport Canada. This certification ensures that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to operate the drone safely and responsibly.
  • Aircraft Registration: Small RPAS must be registered with Transport Canada. This registration process helps identify the owner and provides accountability in case of any incidents or violations.
  • Flight Restrictions: It’s important to be aware of the specific flight restrictions for Small RPAS. These include maintaining a safe distance from people, structures, and airports, as well as adhering to altitude limitations.
  • Airspace Limitations: Small RPAS must follow certain airspace limitations, such as avoiding controlled airspace without prior authorization from NAV Canada. It’s crucial to understand the different airspace classes and the associated restrictions.

Micro RPAS:

Micro RPAS, on the other hand, are drones that weigh less than 250 grams. While they fall under a different category, they still need to comply with the Canadian Aviation Regulations. Here’s what you need to know about operating a Micro RPAS in Montreal:

  • Compliance with CAR 900.06: Micro RPAS operators must adhere to CAR 900.06, which requires operating the drone safely without endangering aviation safety or the safety of any person. While there may not be specific pilot certification or aircraft registration requirements, responsible and safe operation is still imperative.
  • “Good Practice” Measures: Transport Canada has introduced “Good Practice” measures for Micro RPAS, which include recommendations to ensure safe and responsible drone operation. These measures serve as guidelines to minimize risks and promote a positive drone operating culture.

Understanding the classifications of Small RPAS and Micro RPAS is essential to ensure legal and safe drone operation in Montreal. By complying with the specific regulations and guidelines for each category, you can enjoy flying your drone while minimizing risks and contributing to the overall safety of the airspace.

Small RPASMicro RPAS
Pilot Certification RequiredNo specific pilot certification needed
Aircraft Registration RequiredNo specific aircraft registration required
Flight RestrictionsCompliance with CAR 900.06
Airspace Limitations“Good Practice” measures

Basic Operations for Small RPAS

When operating a Small RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) in Montreal, it is essential to adhere to the legal requirements to ensure safe and responsible drone operation. By following these regulations, you can enjoy flying your drone while minimizing the risk of accidents and maintaining the privacy and safety of others.

Legal Requirements

Before taking your Small RPAS to the skies, make sure you meet the following legal obligations:

  1. Weight Limitations: Small RPAS must weigh between 250g and 25kg to fall within this category. Ensure that your drone falls within this weight range to comply with the regulations.
  2. Pilot Certification: As a drone operator, you must obtain the necessary certification from Transport Canada. This includes passing the online exam and carrying your certificate while flying your Small RPAS.
  3. Aircraft Registration: Register your drone with Transport Canada and affix the registration number to your Small RPAS. This will help identify your drone in case of any incidents or mishaps.
  4. Flight Restrictions: Follow the designated flight restrictions outlined by Transport Canada. This includes avoiding flying near airports, heliports, or other restricted areas. Maintain a safe distance from these areas to ensure aviation safety.
  5. Airspace Limitations: Stick to Class G uncontrolled and Advisory Class F CYA airspace when operating your Small RPAS. Respect the airspace limitations to prevent any interference with manned aircraft.
  6. Safety First: Always prioritize safety when operating your drone. Maintain a safe distance from bystanders, respect their privacy, and avoid actions that could endanger people, property, or other aircraft.

By following these legal requirements, you can ensure that your drone operations in Montreal align with the regulations set forth by Transport Canada. Stay informed about any updates or changes to the drone laws to ensure continuous compliance.

Legal Requirements for Drone Operation in MontrealDrone Permits in Montreal
Weight LimitationsCertification
Aircraft RegistrationFlight Restrictions
Flight RestrictionsAirspace Limitations
Airspace LimitationsSafety First

Ensure that you are well-versed in the legal requirements before flying your Small RPAS in Montreal. By doing so, you can enjoy the experience of drone flight while protecting the safety and privacy of yourself and others. Keep in mind that responsible drone operation is not only a legal obligation but also a way to contribute to the overall safety and reputation of the drone community.

Advanced Operations for Small RPAS

In order to fly drones legally in Montreal, it is important to understand the advanced operations for Small RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System). These operations pertain to drones weighing between 250g and 25kg. While basic operations allow for flying in uncontrolled airspace, advanced operations involve flying in controlled airspace where additional requirements and regulations apply.

To conduct advanced operations, drone pilots must obtain prior authorization from NAV Canada, the organization responsible for managing Canadian airspace. This involves submitting a request for approval to fly in controlled airspace, specifying the location, date, and purpose of the flight. It is crucial to adhere to the authorized details and limitations set by NAV Canada to ensure flight safety.

Additionally, drone pilots engaging in advanced operations for Small RPAS are required to pass an advanced knowledge test. This test evaluates the pilot’s understanding of advanced drone operation principles, regulations, and safety guidelines. A flight review may also be required to demonstrate competency in flying drones within controlled airspace.

Also read: Drone Laws in Georgia:

Adherence to Safety Guidelines

When conducting advanced operations, it is essential to adhere to specific safety guidelines to ensure the safe and responsible operation of the Small RPAS. These guidelines include maintaining a minimum distance from bystanders and flying below a maximum altitude, which varies depending on the location and airspace classification.

By following these guidelines and obtaining the necessary authorization, drone pilots can fly in controlled airspace legally and maintain the safety of both the drone and the surrounding environment. It is important to stay updated with the latest regulations and guidelines provided by Transport Canada to ensure compliance and responsible drone operation in Montreal.

AuthorizationKnowledge TestFlight ReviewSafety Guidelines
Prior authorization from NAV CanadaPassing an advanced knowledge testPotential requirementMaintaining a minimum distance from bystanders and flying below a maximum altitude

Regulations for Micro RPAS

In Montreal, operating a Micro RPAS (drones weighing less than 250g) requires adherence to the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR). While Micro RPAS do not fall under the Small RPAS category, it is essential to operate them safely and responsibly without endangering aviation safety or the safety of any person.

Transport Canada has introduced “Good Practice” measures for Micro RPAS operators to ensure compliance with the regulations. These measures include:

  • Maintaining a safe distance from people and property
  • Avoiding flying above 300 feet (90 meters) above ground level
  • Keeping the drone within visual line of sight at all times
  • Respecting the privacy of individuals

While Micro RPAS may be smaller and lighter than other drones, they still pose potential risks if not operated responsibly. Operators must familiarize themselves with the CAR and follow the guidelines provided by Transport Canada to ensure safe and legal drone operation in Montreal.

Micro RPAS RegulationsRequirements
Weight LimitLess than 250g
Maximum Flight Altitude300 feet (90 meters) AGL
Visual Line of SightMust be maintained at all times
Distance from People and PropertyAvoidance of endangerment
Privacy RespectRespecting the privacy of individuals

Safety Considerations and Risky Behavior

When operating a drone in Montreal, it is essential to prioritize safety and avoid engaging in risky behavior. By following the regulations and guidelines set forth by Transport Canada, you can ensure the safety of yourself, others, and the surrounding airspace. Understanding and adhering to drone flying restrictions in Montreal is crucial to prevent accidents and potential harm to people, property, and aircraft.

drone flying restrictions in montreal

One of the primary safety considerations is to maintain a safe distance from bystanders. This means flying in a designated area away from people, especially in crowded spaces such as parks, public events, or busy streets. It is important to be aware of your surroundings and avoid flying your drone near any individuals or groups.

Additionally, it is essential to fly within the designated airspace and follow the specified flight restrictions. This includes staying within the Class G uncontrolled and Advisory Class F CYA airspace. Flying in controlled airspace without proper authorization can pose a significant risk to other aircraft and may result in severe consequences.

To minimize the chances of accidents, it is crucial to operate your drone responsibly and avoid risky behaviors. This includes avoiding flying over restricted areas such as airports, heliports, and other no-fly zones. It is also important to maintain a safe altitude and ensure that you have a clear line of sight with your drone at all times.

By understanding and following these safety considerations and avoiding risky behavior, you can enjoy flying your drone in Montreal while ensuring the safety of yourself, others, and the airspace. Remember to always stay updated with the latest regulations and guidelines provided by Transport Canada to ensure a safe and enjoyable drone flying experience.

Recent Changes and Enforcement

In recent years, there have been significant updates and changes in drone regulations in Montreal. Transport Canada has implemented stricter laws and penalties to ensure the safety of airspace and the public. It is crucial for drone operators to stay informed and comply with these updated regulations to avoid legal consequences and maintain a culture of safety.

Table: Summary of Recent Changes in Montreal Drone Regulations

PenaltiesIncreased fines and potential criminal charges for non-compliance with drone regulations.
AuthorizationStricter requirements for obtaining authorization to fly in controlled airspace.
RegistrationMandatory registration for all drones weighing more than 250g.
EducationIntroduction of mandatory knowledge tests and flight reviews for advanced drone operations.

These recent changes aim to ensure that drone operators are responsible, knowledgeable, and prioritize the safety of themselves and others. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the updated regulations and follow them diligently to avoid any legal issues and to maintain the positive growth of the drone industry in Montreal.

Understanding Quebec-Specific Drone Laws

When operating a drone in Montreal, it is important to be aware of the Quebec-specific drone laws that are in place. These laws are put in effect to ensure the safety of both drone operators and the general public. By understanding and adhering to these regulations, you can enjoy a safe and legal drone flying experience in Montreal.

Age Requirements

According to Quebec’s drone laws, the minimum age to operate a drone is 14 years old. If you are under the age of 14, you must be supervised by someone who is of legal age and possesses the necessary certifications to operate a drone.

Restrictions on Flying Over People and Buildings

When flying a drone in Montreal, it is prohibited to fly over gatherings of people or buildings without the consent of the property owner. This regulation is in place to protect the privacy and safety of individuals on the ground.

Distance from Airports and Heliports

Drone operators in Montreal must maintain a minimum distance of 1.9 miles (3 kilometers) from any airport or heliport. This regulation is in place to avoid any potential interference with manned aircraft and ensure the safety of air traffic.

Clear View and Altitude Requirements

When operating a drone in Montreal, it is important to maintain a clear view of the drone at all times. This means that you should not fly the drone behind obstacles or buildings that obstruct your line of sight. Additionally, drones should not exceed an altitude of 400 feet (122 meters) above ground level, as per Quebec’s drone laws.

Quebec-Specific Drone LawsDetails
Age RequirementsMinimum age to operate a drone is 14 years old. Supervision required for those under 14.
Restrictions on Flying Over People and BuildingsFlying over gatherings of people or buildings without consent is prohibited.
Distance from Airports and HeliportsMinimum distance of 1.9 miles (3 kilometers) must be maintained from airports and heliports.
Clear View and Altitude RequirementsDrone must always be in clear view and should not exceed an altitude of 400 feet (122 meters).

Conclusion (Drone Laws in Montreal)

Understanding the drone laws in Montreal is essential for safe and legal drone operation. By familiarizing yourself with these regulations, you can ensure the safety of yourself, others, and the Canadian airspace. It is crucial to stay updated with the latest drone laws and regulations and to follow the guidelines provided by Transport Canada.

Operating drones within the boundaries of the law not only helps prevent accidents and potential harm to people, property, and aircraft but also maintains a respectful and responsible drone pilot community. By adhering to the drone laws in Montreal, you contribute to the overall safety and positive reputation of drone operation in Canada.

Remember to regularly check for any updates or changes in the drone laws specific to Montreal and Quebec. Transport Canada strives to create a culture of safety, and as a drone pilot, you have a responsibility to stay informed and comply with the regulations and restrictions in place. By doing so, you can confidently and legally enjoy flying your drone in Montreal.


What are the drone laws in Montreal?

The drone laws in Montreal are regulated by Transport Canada. It is important for drone operators to understand and comply with these laws to ensure safe and legal drone operation.

What is the classification of drones in Montreal?

Drones in Montreal are classified as Small RPAS (weighing 250g to 25kg) and Micro RPAS (weighing less than 250g).

What are the requirements for Basic Operations of Small RPAS in Montreal?

For Basic Operations of Small RPAS in Montreal, drone operators need to meet certain requirements such as pilot certification, aircraft registration, flight restrictions, and adhering to specific airspace limitations.

What are the requirements for Advanced Operations of Small RPAS in Montreal?

Advanced Operations of Small RPAS in Montreal require additional requirements, including obtaining prior authorization from NAV Canada for flying in controlled airspace, passing an advanced knowledge test, and adhering to specific safety guidelines.

What are the regulations specific to Micro RPAS in Montreal?

Micro RPAS, weighing less than 250g, still need to abide by the Canadian Aviation Regulations. They are required to operate drones safely without endangering aviation safety or the safety of any person.

What are the safety considerations and risks associated with drone operation in Montreal?

It is important to fly drones responsibly and follow regulations to avoid accidents and potential harm to people, property, and aircraft.

Have there been recent changes in drone regulations in Montreal?

Yes, there have been recent changes in drone regulations in Montreal, including stricter laws and penalties. It is important to stay updated with the latest regulations and comply with them.

What are the Quebec-specific drone laws that drone operators in Montreal need to know?

Drone operators in Montreal need to be aware of age requirements for operating a drone, restrictions around flying over people and buildings, minimum distance from airports and heliports, and clear view and altitude requirements.