Drone Laws in Georgia: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024

Are you a drone enthusiast in Georgia? Before you take to the skies, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the drone laws in your state. Understanding the regulations and guidelines will not only ensure your safety but also keep you on the right side of the law.

Georgia has adopted the European drone regulation, which means registration and flight categorization are required for drone operators. Whether you fly recreationally or commercially, registration is necessary.

To help you navigate the drone laws in Georgia, this guide provides an overview of the key regulations and restrictions you need to be aware of. From drone registration to flying restrictions and privacy guidelines, we’ve got you covered.

Key Takeaways:

  • Georgia has adopted European drone regulations, requiring registration and flight categorization.
  • Drone operators in Georgia must register their drones with the appropriate aviation authority.
  • Operators need to comply with flying restrictions and maintain a safe distance from airports, roads, and buildings.
  • Respecting privacy, avoiding interference with emergency scenes, and adhering to specific regulations in state parks and cities are important.
  • Georgia has a drone committee that provides recommendations for drone regulation and safety.

Drone Registration in Georgia

In order to legally operate a drone in Georgia, drone operators are required to register their drones with the appropriate aviation authority. This registration process ensures that drone operators are aware of their responsibilities and adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the state. Registration is mandatory for drones weighing more than 0.55 pounds (250 grams) and less than 55 pounds (25 kilograms).

During the registration process, drone operators are required to provide personal information such as their name, address, and email. Once the registration is complete, operators will receive a Certificate of Aircraft Registration and Proof of Ownership with a unique identification number. It is important to note that this identification number must be visibly displayed on the drone at all times while in operation.

By implementing a drone registration system, Georgia aims to ensure accountability and safety within the drone community. It allows authorities to trace the ownership of drones, making it easier to identify and address any misuse or violations of drone regulations. Furthermore, it enables drone operators to fly their drones legally and responsibly within the state.

RequirementsWeight LimitRegistration Process
Drone registration0.55 lbs (250g) to 55 lbs (25 kg)Provide personal information
Receive Certificate of Aircraft Registration and Proof of Ownership

By complying with the drone registration requirements in Georgia, drone operators contribute to the overall safety, security, and responsible use of drones in the state. It is important to stay informed about any updates or changes to the registration process, as well as other relevant drone regulations, to ensure continued compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions about Drone Registration in Georgia

  • Who needs to register their drone in Georgia?
  • What information is required during the registration process?
  • How long does it take to receive the Certificate of Aircraft Registration and Proof of Ownership?
  • Are there any fees associated with drone registration in Georgia?
  • Can I transfer my drone registration if I move to a different state?

Drone Flying Restrictions in Georgia

When operating a drone in Georgia, it is essential to adhere to specific flying restrictions to ensure safety and compliance with regulations. Failure to follow these rules can result in penalties and potential risks to the public and property. Here are some key drone operation rules and flying restrictions in Georgia:

No-Fly Zones

In Georgia, drones are prohibited from flying in certain areas to safeguard public safety and privacy. It is crucial to avoid flying over airports, as drones must maintain a safe distance of 6 kilometers from these facilities. Additionally, drones should not be flown within 50 meters of public roads, railways, and buildings. Flying over populated areas, parks, playing fields, and close to power lines is strictly prohibited.

Restricted Areas

Georgia also enforces restrictions on drone flight in specific locations. It is important to consult a flight ban map or relevant authorities to obtain up-to-date information on restricted areas. This ensures compliance with regulations and avoids any unnecessary risks or legal implications.

Uncontrolled Airspace

When operating a drone in uncontrolled airspace in Georgia, there are altitude limitations to consider. The maximum allowed altitude is 120 meters. It is important to monitor and maintain control of the drone within this height restriction to ensure safe and responsible operation.

Privacy and Safety Guidelines

When operating drones in Georgia, it is important to adhere to privacy and safety guidelines to ensure responsible and lawful use. By respecting these guidelines, you can help protect privacy rights and promote safety for both yourself and others.

  • Respect Privacy: It is unlawful to video or photograph another person’s property without permission, except for limited exceptions. Always obtain consent before capturing images or videos of private property.
  • Avoid Interference: Avoid interfering with emergency scenes or public safety personnel. Flying a drone near emergency situations, law enforcement activities, or firefighting efforts can disrupt operations and pose safety risks.
  • Observe No-Fly Zones: Respect designated no-fly zones, which may include airports, military installations, and other restricted areas. Flying a drone in these areas can lead to legal consequences and jeopardize public safety.
  • Do Not Weaponize: It is strictly prohibited to weaponize drones in Georgia. Using a drone as a weapon poses serious safety risks and is a violation of the law.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can enjoy flying your drone safely and responsibly while respecting the privacy of others and promoting a positive drone culture in Georgia.

Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites Drone Laws

When it comes to flying drones in Georgia’s state parks and historic sites, there are specific regulations and restrictions in place to ensure visitor safety and protect the natural and cultural resources of these locations. It is essential for drone operators to be aware of and adhere to these laws when planning to fly their drones in these areas.

To provide you with a clear understanding of the drone laws in Georgia’s state parks and historic sites, here is a summary of the key guidelines:

Drone Laws in Georgia State Parks:

  • Drones are generally prohibited in Georgia state parks unless stated otherwise.
  • Some parks may have designated areas for drone use or allow drones with special permits.
  • Before flying a drone in a state park, always check the specific regulations of that park to ensure compliance.

Drone Laws in Georgia Historic Sites:

  • Similar to state parks, drone use is generally prohibited in Georgia’s historic sites.
  • Specific historic sites may have their own regulations regarding drones, so it is crucial to check the rules for each individual site before flying.

By following the drone laws in Georgia’s state parks and historic sites, you can enjoy flying your drone responsibly while protecting the natural beauty and historical significance of these treasured locations.

State ParksDrone Laws
Amicalola Falls State ParkGenerally prohibited, check specific regulations
Providence Canyon State ParkGenerally prohibited, check specific regulations
Sweetwater Creek State ParkGenerally prohibited, check specific regulations
Stephen C. Foster State ParkGenerally prohibited, check specific regulations

State Mountain Park – Park Ordinance

If you plan to fly a drone in State Mountain Park in Georgia, it is important to familiarize yourself with the park ordinance regarding drone use. The park has specific regulations in place to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all visitors. By following these rules, you can have a successful and responsible drone flying experience in State Mountain Park.

General Regulations

  • Drones must not be launched or landed on park property without permission from park authorities.
  • Ensure that you fly your drone in a safe manner and do not disturb wildlife or other park visitors.
  • Respect any additional restrictions or guidelines posted within the park.

Flying Restrictions

When flying your drone in State Mountain Park, there are certain restrictions you must adhere to:

  1. Do not fly your drone near the park’s historic structures or any designated sensitive areas.
  2. Respect the privacy and peace of other park visitors by maintaining a safe distance while flying.
  3. Stay within the visual line of sight of your drone at all times.


If you plan to fly a drone for commercial purposes in State Mountain Park, you may need to obtain a permit from the park authorities. Contact the park office or visit their official website for more information on the permit application process and any associated fees.

City-Specific Drone Laws in Georgia: Richmond County

If you’re planning to fly your drone in Richmond County, Georgia, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the city’s specific drone laws. These regulations are put in place to ensure the safe and responsible operation of drones within the county. By understanding and adhering to these laws, you can enjoy flying your drone while also respecting the privacy and safety of others.

Richmond County may have restrictions on where you can fly your drone and may require permits for certain areas. It’s crucial to research and comply with the city’s regulations to avoid any legal issues. By doing so, you can ensure a positive and enjoyable drone flying experience in Richmond County.

Flying Restrictions and No-Fly Zones

When operating your drone in Richmond County, it’s important to be aware of the flying restrictions and designated no-fly zones. These areas may include airports, government buildings, and private properties where drone flight is prohibited. It’s essential to respect these restrictions to avoid any legal consequences and maintain the safety and privacy of others.

No-Fly ZonesRestricted AreasFlight Restrictions
AirportsGovernment BuildingsMaximum Altitude: 120m (uncontrolled airspace)
Private PropertiesRestricted AirspaceMinimum Distance from Roads and Buildings: 50m

By familiarizing yourself with these no-fly zones and flight restrictions, you can ensure compliance with Richmond County’s drone laws and contribute to the safe and responsible use of drones in the area.

Always remember to operate your drone in Richmond County in a responsible manner, respecting the privacy and safety of others. Stay updated on any changes or updates to the city’s drone laws to ensure you are always in compliance and can continue enjoying the thrilling experience of flying your drone within Richmond County’s beautiful landscapes.

City-Specific Drone Laws in Georgia: Cherokee County

When flying a drone in Cherokee County, Georgia, it is important to be aware of the specific drone laws and regulations that apply in the area. By understanding and following these laws, you can ensure a safe and legal drone operation within the county.

One key aspect of Cherokee County’s drone laws is the restriction on drone use in certain areas. There may be designated no-fly zones or restricted airspace where drones are not allowed to operate. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the county’s regulations to avoid any legal issues and respect the privacy of the community.

Additionally, Cherokee County may have requirements for obtaining permits or licenses for drone operations. These permits may be necessary for certain activities or locations, such as flying drones for commercial purposes or in specific areas of the county. By complying with these requirements, you can ensure a smooth and lawful drone operation.

Table: Cherokee County Drone Laws

No-Fly ZonesDesignated areas or airspace where drones are prohibited from flying.
Permit RequirementsSpecific permits or licenses needed for certain drone operations or locations.
Privacy ConsiderationsRespecting the privacy of individuals and properties when flying drones.

By staying informed about the drone laws in Cherokee County and complying with the regulations, you can enjoy flying your drone responsibly and safely while respecting the local community and environment.

City-Specific Drone Laws in Georgia: City of Conyers

If you plan to fly a drone in the City of Conyers, Georgia, it is essential to be aware of the city’s specific drone laws and regulations. Understanding and following these laws will help ensure a safe and legal drone operation within the city limits.

The City of Conyers may have restrictions on drone use, including flying restrictions, permits, and prohibited areas. Compliance with these regulations is necessary to avoid any legal issues and to maintain the safety and privacy of residents and visitors. Therefore, before operating a drone in the City of Conyers, familiarize yourself with the specific drone laws in place.

By adhering to the City of Conyers’ drone laws, you can enjoy flying your drone responsibly while respecting the privacy and safety of others. Remember to always fly within designated areas, obtain any required permits, and adhere to any restrictions or guidelines put forth by the city. This way, you can have a positive drone flying experience while complying with local regulations.

city of conyers drone laws

City of Conyers Drone Law Highlights:

  • Restricted flying areas within the city
  • Requirements for permits and registrations
  • Prohibited activities with drones
  • Safety guidelines and flying restrictions

Make sure to review the full set of drone laws and regulations specific to the City of Conyers to ensure compliance with all requirements. Stay informed and follow the rules to enjoy the benefits of drone flying while respecting the local community and the law.

Georgia’s Drone Committee Recommendations

The state of Georgia has established a drone committee to provide insights and recommendations for the development of drone legislation and regulations. These recommendations aim to ensure the safe and responsible use of drones while fostering industry growth and protecting citizen privacy. The committee’s suggestions cover various aspects of drone operations and are instrumental in shaping the future of drone legislation in Georgia.

Key Recommendations:

  1. Monitoring FAA Regulations: The committee emphasizes the importance of staying updated on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations to ensure compliance and alignment with national standards.
  2. Encouraging Industry Expansion: Georgia aims to support the growth of the drone industry by fostering an environment that attracts investment and promotes innovation in drone-related technologies and services.
  3. Offering Drone-related Courses and Certifications: Universities and technical colleges in Georgia are encouraged to provide educational programs and certifications that equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely operate drones.
  4. Protecting Citizen Privacy: Recognizing the potential privacy concerns associated with drone use, the committee recommends implementing measures to safeguard citizen privacy and ensure responsible drone operations.
  5. Prohibiting Weaponizing Drones: To maintain public safety, the committee suggests prohibiting the weaponization of drones to prevent misuse and potential harm.
  6. Establishing Location-based Restrictions: Certain locations, such as airports and critical infrastructure, may require additional restrictions on drone operations to safeguard public safety and security.

These recommendations offer valuable insights into Georgia’s approach to drone regulation and safety. By following these guidelines, drone operators can contribute to a safe and responsible drone ecosystem, while also fostering the growth of the drone industry in the state.

Monitoring FAA RegulationsStay updated on FAA regulations to ensure compliance and alignment with national standards.
Encouraging Industry ExpansionPromote investment and innovation in the drone industry to foster growth and technological advancements.
Offering Drone-related Courses and CertificationsProvide educational programs and certifications to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge for safe drone operation.
Protecting Citizen PrivacyImplement measures to safeguard citizen privacy and ensure responsible drone operations.
Prohibiting Weaponizing DronesPrevent the weaponization of drones to maintain public safety and prevent misuse.
Establishing Location-based RestrictionsImplement additional restrictions on drone operations in certain locations to ensure public safety and security.

House Bill 481

House Bill 481 is a significant proposal in Georgia’s efforts to address unmanned aircraft systems and update drone laws. Although it is not yet enacted, the bill showcases the state’s commitment to adapting to emerging drone technologies and ensuring the safe and responsible use of drones.

The key provisions outlined in House Bill 481 include the creation of a commission responsible for developing comprehensive drone policies in the state. This commission would work towards establishing regulations and guidelines that align with the evolving landscape of drone usage.

Additionally, the bill aims to encourage venture capitalists to support drone startups in Georgia, fostering innovation and growth in the industry. By attracting investment and nurturing the development of drone-related businesses, the state can position itself as a hub for drone technology.

House Bill 481 also emphasizes the importance of protecting citizen privacy, addressing concerns surrounding unauthorized surveillance and invasion of personal space. Furthermore, the bill prohibits certain actions with drones, ensuring public safety and minimizing potential risks associated with drone misuse.

The introduction of House Bill 481 reflects Georgia’s proactive approach to drone regulation and underscores the state’s commitment to keeping pace with evolving technology. By enacting comprehensive and forward-thinking legislation, Georgia aims to harness the potential of drones while prioritizing safety, privacy, and responsible drone operations.

Conclusion (Drones laws in Georgia)

Drones laws in Georgia are in place to ensure safe and responsible drone operations. It is crucial for drone operators to register their drones, follow flying restrictions, respect privacy and safety guidelines, and adhere to specific regulations in state parks and cities.

Being aware of the recommendations and proposed bills regarding drones in Georgia provides valuable insights into the state’s evolving approach to drone regulation. Stay informed, follow the rules, and enjoy flying your drone responsibly in Georgia.


Is drone registration mandatory in Georgia?

Yes, drone registration is mandatory for drones weighing more than 0.55 pounds (250 grams) and less than 55 pounds (25 kilograms).

How do I register my drone in Georgia?

Drone operators in Georgia need to register their drones through the appropriate aviation authority. The registration process requires providing personal information such as name, address, and email.

Are there any flying restrictions in Georgia?

Yes, there are flying restrictions in Georgia. Drones should not fly within 50 meters of public roads, railways, and buildings. Flying over populated areas, parks, playing fields, and near power lines is prohibited. It is important to refer to a flight ban map for up-to-date information on restricted areas.

Can I fly my drone in Georgia state parks and historic sites?

In general, drone use in Georgia state parks and historic sites is prohibited. It is important to check specific park or site regulations before flying a drone.

What are the drone laws in State Mountain Park?

State Mountain Park in Georgia has its own park ordinance regarding drone use. Specific regulations may include restrictions on launching or landing drones on park property without permission.

Are there any city-specific drone laws in Georgia?

Yes, different cities in Georgia may have their own specific drone laws and regulations. It is important to research and understand the drone laws of each city before flying a drone in the area.

What are the recommendations of Georgia’s drone committee?

Georgia’s drone committee has recommended monitoring FAA regulations, encouraging industry expansion, offering drone-related courses and certifications, protecting citizen privacy, prohibiting weaponizing drones, and establishing restrictions on drone use near certain locations.

What is House Bill 481 in Georgia?

House Bill 481 in Georgia addresses unmanned aircraft systems. Although it is not yet enacted, the bill outlines provisions such as creating a commission to develop drone policies, protecting citizen privacy, and prohibiting certain actions with drones.