Is Drone Allowed in International Flights? Know More Here.

Is drone allowed in international flights? Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are popular among drone owners for drone photography and aerial filmmaking. However, not every airline or travel destination welcomes drones.

Before traveling with a drone internationally, it is important to consider your country’s airline and airport security requirements, any regulations regarding hazardous material transport, and the specific drone policies of your airline and departure and arrival locations.

Familiarize yourself with the drone regulations and requirements in your destination country, including permits and registrations. Make sure to comply with FAA regulations for safe drone operation and know the rules governing drone flight in controlled airspace.

Key Takeaways:

  • Before traveling with a drone internationally, research your country’s airline and airport regulations, as well as the specific drone policies of your airline and departure and arrival locations.
  • Familiarize yourself with the drone regulations and requirements in your destination country, including permits and registrations.
  • Comply with FAA regulations for safe drone operation and know the rules governing drone flight in controlled airspace.
  • Be aware of any restrictions on transporting hazardous materials and follow the guidelines for packing and transporting your drone and batteries.
  • Research and understand the local drone laws in your destination country, as well as any restrictions or bans on drone usage.

Understanding Airline and Airport Regulations for Drones

Before packing a drone for international travel, it is crucial to understand the airline and airport regulations for drones. Check the specific drone policies of your airline to ensure compliance with their rules regarding the transport of drones. You should also be aware of any restrictions on transporting hazardous materials, as batteries are typically covered under these regulations.

Familiarize yourself with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guidelines for transporting lithium-ion batteries, which power most drones. Check whether your drone should be packed in carry-on luggage or checked baggage, as this may vary depending on its size and the specific airline’s regulations. Be prepared to follow any additional procedures or requirements set by the airline or airport.

Table: Airlines and Their Drone Policies

Here is an overview of some major airlines and their policies on traveling with drones:

AirlineCarry-OnChecked BaggageAdditional Restrictions
Airline 1Allowed (size restrictions may apply)Allowed (packed securely)None
Airline 2Allowed (size restrictions may apply)Allowed (packed securely)Registration required
Airline 3Not allowedNot allowedNone

Note: The information provided in this table is for illustrative purposes only. It is important to check the specific policies of your airline before traveling with a drone.

Flying a Drone Abroad: Drone Packing Tips for Air Travel

If you’re planning to fly your drone abroad, it’s essential to pack it properly to ensure its safety during air travel. Here are some drone packing tips to consider:

  1. Turn off your drone: Before packing your drone, make sure it is turned off and that any switches are not accidentally activated. This will prevent any potential accidents or unintentional battery drain during the flight.
  2. Invest in a specialized carrying case: To protect your drone from damage, consider purchasing a specialized carrying case. These cases are designed to provide proper cushioning and ensure that your drone stays secure during transit.
  3. Check airline regulations: Different airlines have varying regulations when it comes to packing and carrying drones. Check with your airline to determine whether your drone should be packed in carry-on luggage or checked baggage. Airlines may also have specific requirements for packing lithium-ion batteries, which power most drones.
  4. Follow battery regulations: Keep in mind the USA Department of Transport ban on transporting lithium-ion batteries in cargo compartments. Ensure that your batteries comply with the watt-hour restrictions set by the airline and pack them in your carry-on luggage following the recommended methods to prevent short-circuiting.

By following these drone packing tips, you can ensure that your drone arrives at your destination safely and ready to capture stunning aerial images.

Fly with confidence and comply with regulations

Flying a drone abroad can be an exciting experience, but it’s important to remember that each country may have its own regulations and drone policies. Before traveling, take the time to research and familiarize yourself with the drone laws of your destination. This includes checking if any permits or registrations are required for drone operation in that country.

Additionally, be aware of any restrictions or prohibited areas for drone flights. Certain locations, such as airports, government buildings, or national parks, may have strict regulations against flying drones. Always respect these rules to avoid any legal issues and to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

By packing your drone appropriately and adhering to regulations, you can enjoy capturing breathtaking aerial footage during your international travels while staying compliant with the laws of each country.

Drone Laws in Different Countries

When traveling internationally with a drone, it is crucial to understand and comply with the drone laws and regulations in your destination country. Each country has its own set of rules regarding drone operation, permits, and registrations. Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in fines, confiscation of your drone, or even legal consequences.

To help you navigate the drone regulations for flying overseas, here is a brief overview of the drone laws in some popular travel destinations:


In Australia, drone pilots must operate their drones within visual line of sight and maintain a maximum altitude of 400 feet. Drones weighing more than 100 grams need to be registered with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), and commercial drone operators must obtain a Remote Pilot License.


In Canada, drone pilots must follow the rules outlined by Transport Canada. Drones weighing between 250 grams and 25 kilograms must be registered, and recreational drone pilots need to pass a basic knowledge test and obtain a pilot certificate. There are specific regulations regarding flying near airports, people, and animals.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, drone pilots must adhere to the regulations set forth by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Drones weighing 250 grams or more need to be registered, and all drone pilots must pass an online safety test. It is prohibited to fly drones near airports, above 400 feet, or within 150 meters of congested areas.


In Japan, drone pilots must obtain a permit from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism before operating a drone. Drones must be operated within visual line of sight and follow specific restrictions, such as avoiding densely populated areas and certain public spaces.

It is important to note that these are just a few examples, and drone laws can vary significantly from country to country. Always research and familiarize yourself with the drone regulations and requirements of your specific destination before flying your drone overseas.

CountryDrone Regulations
AustraliaOperate within visual line of sight, maximum altitude of 400 feet, registration required for drones over 100 grams
CanadaRegistration required for drones weighing between 250 grams and 25 kilograms, pass a basic knowledge test, follow specific flight restrictions
United KingdomRegistration required for drones weighing 250 grams or more, pass an online safety test, flight restrictions near airports and congested areas
JapanPermit required from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, operate within visual line of sight, avoid certain public spaces

These are just a few examples of the drone laws in different countries. Make sure to research and comply with the specific regulations of your destination country to ensure a smooth and legal drone flying experience.

Drone flying over a scenic landscape

FAA Guidelines for Flying with Drones

If you are planning to travel with your drone, it is important to familiarize yourself with the guidelines set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These guidelines ensure the safety of passengers and crew during flights.

One important aspect to consider is the transportation of batteries carried by airline passengers. The FAA has specific regulations regarding the size and number of lithium-ion batteries that can be brought on a flight. It is crucial to adhere to these guidelines to avoid any issues at airport security checkpoints.

If your drone’s batteries have a watt-hour rating below 100 Wh, you can carry as many as you want on the flight. However, if the batteries have a watt-hour rating between 101 and 160 Wh, you are limited to bringing up to two batteries per flight. It is essential to check the watt-hour rating of your drone’s batteries and ensure compliance with these restrictions.

Battery RatingNumber of Batteries Allowed
Below 100 WhNo Limit
101 – 160 WhUp to 2 Batteries

Make sure to check with your specific airline for any additional policies or restrictions they may have regarding drone batteries. It is also important to pack your batteries properly to prevent any damage or short-circuiting during transport. Follow the recommended methods for packing batteries in your carry-on luggage to ensure their safe transportation.

By following the FAA guidelines for flying with drones and ensuring compliance with airline policies, you can enjoy a hassle-free journey with your drone. Remember to always prioritize safety and be aware of the regulations in place to protect both passengers and crew.

Flying with Drones on Different Airlines

If you are planning to travel internationally with your drone, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the drone policies of different airlines. Each airline may have its own set of rules and regulations regarding the transportation and use of drones on their flights. Here is an overview of the drone policies from major US airlines:

Airline 1:

– Drones are allowed as carry-on luggage, subject to specific size and weight restrictions.

– Batteries must be carried in carry-on luggage, not checked baggage.

– Some airports may require additional security screening for drones.

Airline 2:

– Drones are allowed as carry-on or checked baggage, subject to specific size and weight restrictions.

– Batteries must be carried in carry-on luggage, not checked baggage.

– Drones must be turned off during the flight.

Airline 3:

– Drones are allowed as carry-on luggage, subject to specific size and weight restrictions.

– Batteries must be carried in carry-on luggage, not checked baggage.

– Drones must be turned off during takeoff and landing.

AirlineCarry-onChecked BaggageBattery RestrictionsOther Requirements
Airline 1AllowedNot allowedCarry-on onlyAdditional security screening
Airline 2AllowedAllowedCarry-on onlyTurned off during flight
Airline 3AllowedNot allowedCarry-on onlyTurned off during takeoff and landing

Please note that these policies are subject to change, and it is essential to check with your specific airline for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, always comply with the FAA regulations and guidelines for safe drone operation during your flight.

airline-specific drone information

Countries with Drone Restrictions and Bans

When it comes to flying drones, it’s important to be aware of the restrictions and bans in different countries. While drone laws vary from one nation to another, there are several countries where you cannot fly a drone or where drones are banned altogether. Understanding these regulations is crucial to avoid any legal issues and ensure a safe and enjoyable drone flight experience during your international travels.

Here are some examples of countries with drone restrictions and bans:

CountryDrone Restrictions/Bans
IndiaDrones are banned for civilian use without special permission from the government.
United Arab EmiratesDrones are heavily regulated, and special permits are required for recreational use.
AustraliaStrict drone regulations are in place, including registration requirements and restrictions on flying near airports and populous areas.
ChinaSpecial permits and registrations are required for drone operation, and flying drones near military installations and sensitive areas is strictly prohibited.
JapanDrones are subject to strict regulations and flight restrictions, especially around airports and crowded areas.

These are just a few examples, and it’s important to research the specific drone regulations of any country you plan to visit. Remember to always follow the rules and regulations set by the authorities in order to avoid legal consequences and to ensure a safe and responsible drone flight experience.

Flying Drones in Restricted Areas

When operating a drone, it is crucial to be aware of the flight restrictions and prohibited areas. Whether you are flying domestically or internationally, there are certain areas where drone flights are not permitted. These restrictions are put in place to ensure safety and privacy, as well as to protect sensitive locations.

Flight Restrictions

Drone flight restrictions may vary depending on the country and the specific regulations set by the local aviation authorities. It is essential to research and familiarize yourself with the drone laws of the country you are visiting. Some common flight restrictions include:

  • Prohibition of flying drones near airports or in controlled airspace.
  • Restrictions on flying over crowds, major events, or public gatherings.
  • Limitations on flying drones at night or during adverse weather conditions.
  • Prohibition of flying drones in sensitive areas such as military bases, government buildings, or nuclear power plants.
  • Restrictions on flying drones in national parks, wildlife reserves, or protected areas.

It is important to adhere to these flight restrictions to avoid potential legal consequences and ensure the safety of yourself and others.

Flying Drones in Prohibited Areas

Prohibited areas refer to locations where drone flights are strictly forbidden. These areas are typically designated due to security concerns, privacy regulations, or the potential impact on public safety. Examples of prohibited areas where drone flights are generally not allowed include:

  • Airports and helipads: Drones can interfere with manned aircraft operations and pose a risk to aviation safety.
  • Prisons and correctional facilities: Drone flights near correctional facilities are prohibited due to security reasons.
  • Military installations: Flying drones near military installations is restricted to prevent unauthorized access and protect national security.
  • Government buildings: Drones are not allowed in the vicinity of government buildings to ensure public safety and national security.
  • Private properties: It is crucial to respect the privacy of others and avoid flying drones over private properties without permission.

Make sure to research and understand the prohibited areas in the country you are visiting to avoid any unintentional violations and potential legal consequences.

Flight RestrictionsProhibited Areas
Prohibition of flying near airports or in controlled airspace.Airports and helipads
Restrictions on flying over crowds, major events, or public gatherings.Prisons and correctional facilities
Limitations on flying at night or during adverse weather conditions.Military installations
Prohibition of flying in sensitive areas such as government buildings or nuclear power plants.Government buildings
Restrictions on flying in national parks, wildlife reserves, or protected areas.Private properties

Before flying your drone, always check the local regulations and obtain any necessary permits or approvals. Be a responsible drone pilot by respecting the flight restrictions and prohibited areas. By doing so, you can enjoy flying your drone safely and responsibly during your international travels.

Drone Photography Tips for International Travel

When traveling internationally with your drone, capturing stunning aerial images of your destinations can enhance your photography experience. Follow these drone photography tips to ensure you capture the best shots while staying compliant with regulations:

1. Research Local Drone Laws

Before flying your drone in a foreign country, take the time to research and understand the local drone laws and regulations. Each country may have specific rules regarding where and when you can fly your drone, so familiarize yourself with any restrictions or permits required for aerial photography. This will help you avoid any legal issues and ensure a smooth and enjoyable photography experience.

2. Scout Locations in Advance

Prior to your trip, research and scout out potential photography locations. Look for scenic landscapes, landmarks, and architectural wonders that would make great aerial shots. Use online resources, maps, and drone communities to gather information about the best locations for photography. Planning your shots in advance will save you time and help you capture the most breathtaking images.

3. Be Mindful of Safety and Privacy

When flying your drone, prioritize safety and respect for others’ privacy. Ensure you fly within your drone’s capabilities and avoid risky maneuvers that may endanger people or property. Additionally, be mindful of local privacy laws and avoid capturing images that may infringe upon others’ privacy. Always fly responsibly and considerately to maintain a positive reputation for drone photography enthusiasts.

By following these drone photography tips, you can make the most of your international travels and capture stunning aerial images that will showcase the beauty of your destinations.

Conclusion (Is Drone Allowed in International Flights?)

When traveling internationally with a drone, it is important to prioritize safety and compliance with regulations. By following these drone travel tips and safety guidelines, you can have a worry-free experience and capture stunning aerial images during your journey.

First and foremost, thoroughly research and understand the drone policies of your airline and destination country. Ensure that your drone and batteries are packed correctly, following the recommended guidelines for safe transport. Familiarize yourself with the local drone laws and obtain any necessary permits or approvals to fly legally.

Remember to always adhere to safe flying practices and respect privacy and restricted areas. Be aware of any flight restrictions or prohibited areas, both domestically and internationally. Follow the rules and regulations set by the authorities to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

By staying informed and prepared, you can enjoy the benefits of drone photography while traveling abroad. So pack your drone, explore new horizons, and capture breathtaking shots while following these drone travel tips and safety guidelines.


Is a drone allowed on international flights?

Whether a drone is allowed on international flights depends on the specific regulations and policies of both the airline and the destination country. It is important to research and understand the drone regulations and requirements before traveling internationally.

What are the airline and airport regulations for drones?

Drone regulations vary between airlines and airports. It is important to check the specific drone policies of your airline to ensure compliance with their rules regarding the transport of drones. Additionally, be aware of any restrictions on transporting hazardous materials, as batteries are typically covered under these regulations.

How should I pack my drone for air travel?

When packing a drone for air travel, make sure it is turned off and that any switches are not accidentally activated. Consider purchasing a specialized drone carrying case for protection. Smaller or foldable drones may be taken in carry-on luggage, while larger drones may need to be packed in checked baggage or shipped as special freight. Follow the specific packing method recommended by your airline.

What are the drone laws in different countries?

Drone laws and regulations vary from country to country. It is important to research and understand the local drone laws in your destination country. Check if any permits, import licenses, or registrations are required for drone operation. Some countries have specific regulations for foreigners flying drones and may require special permissions.

What are the FAA guidelines for flying with drones?

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sets guidelines for flying with drones in the US. These guidelines include restrictions on the size and number of lithium-ion batteries that can be carried on a flight. Make sure to adhere to these guidelines to ensure compliance with FAA regulations and the safety of your flight.

What are the drone policies of different airlines?

Different airlines have varying policies and regulations regarding flying with drones. It is important to check with your specific airline for their policies on drone batteries and any additional restrictions they may have.

Are there countries with drone restrictions or bans?

Yes, several countries have restrictions or bans on drone usage. It is important to be aware of drone flight restrictions and prohibited areas, both domestically and internationally. Research the local flying and photography laws of your destination to ensure compliance and avoid any legal issues.

Can I fly a drone in restricted areas?

Flying a drone in restricted areas is generally prohibited. The FAA sets rules and regulations for drone pilots in the US, including restrictions on flying over crowded areas and moving vehicles. Research the local regulations and avoid flying in prohibited areas to ensure safety and compliance.

What are some tips for drone photography while traveling?

If you plan to use your drone for photography while traveling internationally, consider researching the best locations and obtaining necessary permits. Follow safe flying practices and respect privacy and restricted areas. Capture stunning aerial images and videos while staying compliant with regulations and ensuring the safety of yourself and others.