How To Get A Remote ID For A Drone? Very Easy!!

In recent years, Drones are being used for leisure and commercial purposes. However, as drones grow in number, safety, and accountability must increase.

This is where Remote ID comes into play. The remote ID is a system that allows drones to broadcast their identification and location information to other parties, such as the FAA, law enforcement, or other drone operators.

Most drone enthusiasts ask a frequent question how to get a Remote ID for a drone? In this article, I will explore the steps and options available to add Remote ID to your drone, ensuring compliance with the regulations and enhancing the safety of your drone flights.

What is a Remote ID and Why Do You Need It?

The remote ID is essentially a “digital license plate” for drones. It enables authorities and other drone operators to identify and locate your drone while it is in flight. The primary purpose of Remote ID is to ensure safe and responsible drone

operations, as well as to prevent unauthorized drone flights in restricted areas. By having a Remote ID for your drone, you contribute to the overall safety and security of the airspace.

Types of Drone Remote ID:

There are three primary ways to meet the Remote ID rule for your drone:

1. Standard Remote ID Drone: 

Some drones come equipped with built-in Remote ID broadcast capabilities. These drones are officially declared Remote ID capable and meet the necessary requirements out of the box.

2. Drone with Remote ID Broadcast Module:

If you have an older drone that does not have built-in Remote ID capabilities, you can add a Remote ID broadcast module to your drone. This module attaches to your drone and enables it to broadcast the necessary identification and location information.

3. Drone without Remote ID in an FAA-recognized Identification Area (FRIA): 

If you are flying your drone in an FAA-recognized Identification Area, you may not be required to have a Remote ID. However, it is essential to check the specific requirements and regulations of the FRIA you are operating in.

Also Read: How do I know If my drone has a Remote ID?

How to Get A Remote ID for a Drone?

Adding Remote ID to Your Drone

There are multiple ways to add a Remote ID to your drone, some easiest ways are here!

Option 1: Purchasing a Remote ID Capable Drone:

The simplest way to ensure Remote ID compliance is to purchase a drone that already has built-in Remote ID capabilities. Many drone manufacturers are now producing drones that meet the Remote ID requirements.

By choosing a drone with a built-in Remote ID, you save yourself the hassle of adding a separate module or applying firmware updates.

Option 2: Installing Firmware Updates:

If you already have a drone but it doesn’t have a Remote ID built in, you might be able to change the firmware to add Remote ID. Check with the company that made your drone to see if it has any firmware updates that allow Remote ID.

Keep in mind that not all drones may be eligible for firmware updates, so it is essential to verify the compatibility of your specific drone model.

Option 3: Installing a Remote ID Broadcast Module:

For older drones that are not eligible for firmware updates or do not have built-in Remote ID capabilities, you can add a Remote ID broadcast module. These modules are third-party devices that attach to your drone and enable it to broadcast the necessary identification and location information. 

When choosing a Remote ID broadcast module, it is crucial to ensure that it meets FAA standards and regulations.

Steps to Install a Remote ID Broadcast Module:

  1. Purchase a Remote ID Broadcast Module that is approved by the FAA.
  2. Attach the broadcast module to your drone using double-sided tape or any other suitable method recommended by the module manufacturer.
  3. Download the broadcast module application from the relevant app store (Play Store or App Store) and install it on your smartphone or tablet.
  4. Open the broadcast module application and fill in the required details about your drone, such as its make, model, and any other necessary information.
  5. Start your drone and open both the drone flight application and the broadcast module application, ensuring that the broadcast module application is running in the foreground.
  6. As you start flying your drone, you will be able to see the Remote ID details, including identification, location, and other relevant information, on the broadcast module application.

It is crucial to note that while there are various broadcast modules on the market, not all of them meet the FAA’s Remote ID guidelines. Be sure to choose a module that is approved by the FAA to ensure compliance with the regulations.

Approved Remote ID Broadcast Modules:

One of the approved Remote ID broadcast modules is the Drone Tag mini, created by a company called Drone Tag. This module transmits your drone’s details to other broadcast stations, ensuring that your drone is identifiable and compliant with Remote ID regulations.

The Drone Tag mini is available as an assembly from the electronic circuit board, which can be attached to your customized drones or sold to other drone manufacturers for incorporation into their drones.

Different Applications for Commercial and Recreational Purposes:

drone for commercial or recreational purposes

Depending on whether you are using your drone for commercial or recreational purposes, you may need to use different applications to manage your Remote ID data.

Remote ID Broadcast Module for Commercial Purposes:

If you fly your drone for commercial purposes, such as inspections or commercial work, you will need an application that allows you to log your flights and view real-time data. The Drone Tag application is designed specifically for commercial purposes.

It connects to a cellular network built into the Remote ID module, providing you with real-time location and flight data. This application also allows you to view other drones or aircraft that are transmitting Remote ID signals, enabling real-time flight planning and ensuring airspace safety.

Remote ID Broadcast Module for Recreational Purposes:

For recreational or non-commercial flights, a different application is used for Remote ID broadcast. The Drone Scanner Application is designed for recreational purposes and utilizes Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections to detect and display nearby drones that are broadcasting Remote ID signals.

By using this application, you can ensure that you are aware of other drones in your proximity and maintain safe and responsible flight operations.

FAQs: How to Get A Remote ID for a Drone?

Can I add Remote ID to my existing drone?

It depends on the drone model. Some drones may have upgrade options or firmware updates available from the manufacturer to enable Remote ID. Check with the manufacturer for compatibility and upgrade options.

Are there any exemptions from Remote ID requirements?

Depending on your jurisdiction, certain drones may be exempt from Remote ID requirements, such as drones below a certain weight threshold or drones used exclusively for recreational purposes. Check the regulations specific to your region.

Can Remote ID be used to track my location as a drone operator?

Remote ID is primarily focused on tracking the drone’s identification and location, rather than the operator’s personal location. The transmitted information typically relates to the drone’s unique identifier and flight parameters.

Does Remote ID compromise my drone’s flight performance?

Remote ID technology is designed to minimize the impact on drone performance. It primarily focuses on transmitting identification information while maintaining the drone’s flight capabilities. Manufacturers strive to balance both aspects for an optimal user experience.


Adding a Remote ID to your drone is an important step in ensuring the safety and accountability of your flights. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily make your drone Remote ID compliant. 

Whether you choose to purchase a drone with built-in Remote ID capabilities, install firmware updates, or add a Remote ID broadcast module, it is crucial to prioritize compliance with the regulations set forth by the FAA. 

By doing so, you contribute to the responsible and secure integration of drones into the airspace, fostering a safer environment for all drone operators and stakeholders.