The use of drones over the past few years has increased dramatically for commercial and hobby, drones are serving in many applications like photography, videography, surveillance, and rescue operations. However where drones are very important for us, if these are not operated carefully then drones can cause potential safety and privacy risks.
It’s important to comprehend state drone laws and regulations. The drone laws in Indiana will be covered in this blog post, along with what you should be aware of before flying a drone there.
Drone Laws in Indiana:
Drone laws in Indiana allow the use of drones for both commercial and recreational purposes, drones in Indiana weighing over 0.55 and less than 55 pounds must be registered more over you cannot fly drones over state parks, people, and within 5 miles of an airport.
In Indiana, state laws, local ordinances, the FAA, and other organizations all have a role in regulating drone use. Despite the fact that the Indiana country police have implemented national laws governing drone use, the federal aviation administration (FAA) is pushing to impose federal regulations on using drones.
In Indiana, counties and cities may also have their own rules regarding drone use. Due to the possibility that drones could endanger the security of people, property, and other aircraft, it is essential to follow all applicable laws and regulations.
Federal Drone Laws in Indiana:
All 50 states of the US, including Indiana, have drone laws under the control of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), a federal regulatory body. All drone operators are subject to federal drone laws, whether they use them for personal, professional, or governmental purposes. Let’s take a closer look at the Federal drone laws that apply in Indiana.
Drone laws for Commercial Pilots:
In Indiana, the use of drones for commercial purposes like surveying, photography, and other business needs to be registered with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under Article 107 for small drones. The pilot must pass FAA’s Aeronautical Knowledge Test, after passing that test pilot will be eligible to operate a drone for commercial use.
Drone laws for Recreational Pilots:
The use of drones for fun and hobby in the state of Indiana is allowed. For this purpose, you have to take the Federal Recreational Drone Safety Trust (Test). if the drone’s weight is between 0.55 pounds to 55 pounds has to be registered under FAA’s article 107.
The registration process is so simple just visit FAADroneZone and pay a just $5 fee. There are many other drone rules that a drone pilot must follow while flying in this state which is discussed below:
How do I register my Drone in Indiana?
You can register a drone in the state of Indiana by following these simple steps:
Find out if your Drone needs to be Registered:
The first thing before registering your drone check its weight, If your drone weight is between 0.55 pounds to 55 pounds then your drone needs to be registered with the FAA agency.
Sign up for a Profile on the FAA DroneZone Website:
You must register on the FAA’s DroneZone website in order to register your drone. This website will provide you with all the guidelines required to get your drone registered. Give your private information You must enter your personal data, including your name, address, and email address, after creating your account.
Give Information about your Drone:
For this, you have to submit your drone’s model information which may include the make, and model of your drone including your drone’s serial number (if applicable).
You must pay an Enrollment Fee:
Drones must be registered for $5. You will be asked to pay the fee after you have given all the required information.
Label your Drone:
After registering it with the FAA, you must label your drone with the registration number you were given. The exterior of your drone should display this number. I’m done now!
Following the completion of these steps, you can legally fly your drone in Indiana after registering it with the FAA. One thing is to remember that you have to renew your registration after every three years.
Fly in a Visual Line of Sight:
Operators of drones in Indiana are required by federal law to fly them in a way that allows them to always have a clear line of sight with them. This means that the operator must be able to see the drone with their own eyes in order to fly the drone over a great distance, FPV goggles or binoculars are not permitted.
The visual line of sight requirement is there to make sure the drone operator can see and steer clear of other objects in the air, like birds or airplanes, and keep control of the drone. Fines and other penalties may apply if this requirement is broken.
Read also: Best Places to Fly a Drone in Indiana?
Fly your Drone at an Altitude Below 400 Feet:
This rule ensures the safety of manned aircraft that typically operate at higher altitudes. By limiting the altitude of drones, the risk of collisions between drones and airplanes is minimized.
Additionally, keeping drones below 400 feet also helps to prevent interference with other types of low-flying vehicles, such as helicopters, which are commonly used for emergency services.
It is essential for drone pilots to adhere to this rule to avoid any potential safety hazards and legal consequences.
Don’t fly near Airports and Military Bases:
Drone flights near airports in Indiana and other parts of the United States are strictly regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These laws defend both people on the ground and manned aircraft. One of the main regulations is the restricted air space rule, which forbids drone flights without prior authorization within five miles of an airport or helipad.
You cannot operate a drone within the visual range of a military installation or other official buildings without a permit. You must first make contact with the air traffic control tower and the airport before flying your drone close to one.
They will give you instructions to follow so that the safety of each aircraft is guaranteed. You can avoid impacts and other potentially dangerous situations by following these recommendations.
Respect people Privacy:
When it comes to privacy, the FAA advises that drone operators should respect the privacy of individuals and should not conduct surveillance or gather information without the person’s consent. This includes not flying a drone over someone’s property to capture images or video without permission.
Further, You cannot operate drones over crowds, moving vehicles, and motorways. Drones may not be used in Indiana for surveillance or to photograph individuals or private property without their consent. If one of these laws is not followed then the drone operator could have to face criminal charges or penalties.
State Drone Laws in Indiana:
The Indiana General Assembly passed these drone regulations, which are applicable to the entire state of Indiana. There are about five laws for the use of drones of all types that are implemented by the Indiana General Assembly and the Indiana Department of Transportation.
These laws must be obeyed while flying drones in this state, which are discussed below:
IAC 312 8-2-8 (i) (2018):
On DNR (Indiana Department of Natural Resources) property, such as state parks, natural areas, and recreational areas, drone use is prohibited. The DNR or particular DNR divisions may on occasion grant permits for launching and filming.
Senate Bill 299 (2017):
Criminal Offenses Involving Drones:
- Senate Bill 2017 creates four new criminal offenses involving the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle. These offenses are:
- a. Under this law, the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle to track or observe a sex offender or a person who is the subject of a restraining order is a crime known as a “sex offender unmanned aerial vehicle.”
- b. Public Safety Remote Aerial Interference: This offense involves using an unmanned aerial vehicle to interfere with or obstruct the work of law enforcement or public safety personnel.
- c. Remote Aerial Voyeurism: This crime entails using an unmanned aerial vehicle to invade someone’s privacy by secretly filming or sending still photos or videos of them or their property.
- d. Remote Aerial Harassment: This offense involves using an unmanned aerial vehicle to intentionally annoy or harass an individual.
- Level of Offenses:
- Senate Bill 2017 specifies that these offenses are Class A misdemeanors. The offense is elevated to Level 6 if the accused has a prior, unrelated conviction for the same crime.
- Defense for Invasion of Privacy:
- According to Senate Bill 2017, the use or operation of an unmanned aerial vehicle by the accused person in committing the violation is not a defense to a prosecution for invasion of privacy.
House Bill 1013 (2016):
Drone operators are permitted by House Bill 1013 to take pictures or video at the traffic crash sites.
House Bill 1246 (2016):
A drone cannot be used to scout wild game during the hunting season, according to HB 1246.
House Bill 1009 (2014):
House Bill 1009 of 2014 establishes guidelines for drone use in IndianaExcept in certain emergency situations, the bill mandates that law enforcement agencies obtain a search warrant before using a drone for surveillance. The bill disallows the use of drones for unapproved surveillance from authorities to fly over the house of a person or piece of property.
Additionally, this bill disallows the use of drones for activities like hunting or fishing. Additionally, the legislation mandates that before flying a drone over private property, the operator secures the owner’s written permission.
Local Drone Laws in Indiana:
There is only one local drone law in Indiana, and it is in Fort Wayne. Let’s break down the law.
Fort Wayne Drone Ordinance (2019):
Drone operators must notify the city if they intend to fly their UAVs within 500 yards of a city-approved public event, such as a parade, block party, or festival, according to Fort Wayne City Ordinance 96.30 Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
If you are willing to fly a drone over the Downtown Aerial District, which is located 5,500 feet away from the 100 block of West Main Street, You have to notify the city before operating a drone there.
- Name, contact information, and address of the drone operator.
- Any person who is assisting you on the flight, along with their name, contact information, and business name (if applicable).
- Before flying a drone over private property, you must provide the property owner’s personal information such as name, contact information, address, etc.
- when and where you intend to fly your drone.
- Information about your policy, including whether you have liability insurance, how long it lasts, and the expiration dates of any certificates you may have.
- authorization letters, Section 333 exemptions, waivers, and certificates or licenses issued by the FAA, along with the dates they were issued.
- Your FAA-issued remote pilot certificate number, along with the date it was issued.
- No matter if you’re using a drone for business purposes or for fun purposes.
Indiana Drone Law FAQs:
Are Drones Legal in Indiana?
Yes, flying a drone for both business and fun purposes is allowed in Indiana, If the drone’s weight is more than 0.55 must be registered under the FAA article 107.
Additionally, Indiana has some state laws that do not allow some places to fly drones over like Indiana state parks and public parks without special permission.
It’s important to follow all FAA regulations and state-specific rules when flying a drone in Indiana to avoid any legal issues.
So, every rule is made to follow for the safety and privacy of people, if some rules are violated then in case you have to face criminal charges, confiscation of drones, and fines.
Is it Illegal to Fly a Drone over a Private Property in Indiana?
In Indiana, flying a drone over private property is generally legal as long as you follow FAA regulations and respect people’s privacy. However, if someone uses a drone for illegal purposes like capturing images and videos of people inside their houses is illegal or to invade someone’s privacy, and maybe a drone pilot could be subject to legal action.
Obtain permission from the owner before flying a drone over private property in Indiana, and become familiar with all local, state, and federal drone laws.
Can You Fly a Drone in a State Park in Indiana?
The answer is yes, but there are some guidelines and limitations to follow when using a drone in an Indiana state park. Drone pilots must get approval from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) before flying in a state park.
Drones are additionally banned from flying over public gathering places such as sandy beaches or areas for picnics. Drones should also be avoided over designated wilderness areas.
Can you fly a Drone in Indiana Without a License?
Yes, you can use a drone for recreational purposes without a license in Indiana. You only need to register your drone with the FAA organization if you own a drone and want to fly it for recreational purposes. You need to pass a Safety test (Trust) to fly a drone in Indiana.
It’s important to fly your drone safely and responsibly and to avoid flying in restricted airspace or near airports. Violating FAA rules can result in fines or legal action.
Finally, Indiana has several drone-related regulations in place. These laws are introduced to provide safety and privacy for people from the illegal use of drones in Indiana state.
Some of the key regulations include obtaining a Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA, passing FAA’s drone Trust (Test), and complying with airspace restrictions and height limitations. It is also important to obtain permission from property owners before flying over private property and to avoid flying near airports or other restricted areas.
Overall, these rules may feel difficult to follow for drone operators but these laws provide safety for all individuals to protect them from unwanted accidents and incidents. By following these regulations, drone pilots can enjoy flying their drones in Indiana while also respecting the rights and privacy of others.