Can you Fly a Drone on the Blue Ridge Parkway?

Can you fly a drone on the Blue Ridge Parkway? People’s desire to capture beautiful aerial pictures with a drone is growing by the day.

However, before packing your drone for a trip to the parkway, understanding the regulations that govern drone use in national parks is essential.

In this blog post, we will tell you the FAA and NPS drone regulations for flying the drone on blue ridge parkway. We’ll also answer the question of whether you can legally fly a drone on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

We’ll also explain the reasons behind these rules and suggest alternative ways to capture the beauty of the parkway without flying a drone.

Whether you’re an experienced drone pilot or a parkway traveller looking to explore the beauty from the ground, keep reading to learn about the drone regulations on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Can you fly a drone on the blue ridge parkway? (Drone regulations)

blue ridge parkway

Drone regulations on the Blue Ridge Parkway prohibit the use of drones without proper authorization from the National Park Service (NPS). 

The NPS has deemed drone usage to be a safety hazard and a disturbance to visitors and wildlife. Penalties for violating these regulations can include fines, revocation of drone piloting licenses, and even imprisonment.

The Blue Ridge Parkway is considered a no-fly zone for drones, with the exception of those flown by authorized personnel for official park purposes. This includes research, search and rescue, and other approved activities.

The NPS has stated that the purpose of the Parkway is to provide visitors with an unobstructed view of the natural surroundings, and drone usage could interfere with that experience. 

It is important for drone pilots to understand and respect the regulations set in place on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Failure to do so puts pilots at risk and threatens safety. If drone footage is desired for personal or commercial use, alternative methods of capturing aerial footage should be explored.

Reasons for drone regulations on the Blue Ridge Parkway:

drone regulations blue ridge parkway

Drone regulations on the Blue Ridge Parkway exist for several reasons. The top priority for park officials is the safety of visitors and wildlife. 

Drones can collide with other aircraft, including helicopters and planes, as well as with park visitors and wildlife. This poses a significant safety risk.

The National Park Service protects Blue Ridge Parkway’s resources. Drones have the ability to disturb the tranquillity of the park and aggravate the animals.

In emergency situations, unauthorized drone flights can interfere with emergency response efforts. 

This can potentially put lives at risk. Thus, it is essential for drone pilots to follow these rules and preserve the special features of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

In conclusion, drone use is restricted on the Blue Ridge Parkway to safeguard the park’s natural and cultural treasures, and the safety of travellers and animals, and to aid efficient emergency response actions.

It’s essential for drone operators to follow these regulations and contribute to preserving the unique character of the park.

Alternative to Drone Usage on the Blue Ridge Parkway:

To explore the Blue Ridge Parkway without a drone, consider these options:

Hiking: Hike to explore the parkway’s various trails. The trails range from simple strolls to intensive climbs.

Scenic Drives: Enjoy breathtaking views by taking a scenic drive on the parkway.

Photography: Capture the beauty of the parkway by using a camera instead of a drone.

Wildlife Watching: Observe bears, deer, and birds while hiking or from the side of the road. By choosing these alternative activities, you can still enjoy the parkway without risking safety or breaking any rules.

FAQs: Can you fly a drone on the blue ridge parkway?

Can I fly a drone on the Blue Ridge Parkway?

No, drone use is not allowed on the Blue Ridge Parkway. But there are a few exceptions including research, search and rescue missions, and law enforcement operations.

What are the rules regarding drone usage on the Blue Ridge Parkway?

Drones are prohibited on the Blue Ridge Parkway except for authorized activities. Violations can lead to fines, imprisonment, and confiscation of equipment.

Are there any designated areas where drones can be flown on the Blue Ridge Parkway?

No, there are no designated areas where drones can be flown on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The drone ban is in effect for the entire parkway.

Can law enforcement officers seize drones that are being flown illegally on the Blue Ridge Parkway?

Yes, law enforcement officers have the authority to seize drones that are being flown illegally on the Blue Ridge Parkway. They may also issue fines and criminal charges to the violators.

Are there any exceptions to the drone usage restrictions on the Blue Ridge Parkway?

Yes, there are some exceptions to the drone usage restrictions on the Blue Ridge Parkway. These exceptions are for authorized research, search and rescue operations, and law enforcement activities. Exceptions must be approved in advance and subject to conditions.


In conclusion, the National Park Service does not allow the use of drones on the Blue Ridge Parkway. This is due to protect visitors’ safety, privacy, and the parkway’s natural and cultural resources.

Respecting these guidelines and avoiding drone usage in the parkway is essential to avoid facing penalties. 

However, visitors can still enjoy the stunning views and outdoor activities on the parkway through hiking, cycling, or taking a scenic drive. The Blue Ridge Parkway offers a unique and memorable experience for all visitors.