Can You Fly a Drone in Tokyo? Complete Guide 2024

Are you an avid drone enthusiast planning to visit Tokyo? Before you pack your drone, it’s important to understand the drone flying regulations in Tokyo to ensure you can enjoy your hobby legally and responsibly. Tokyo has specific laws and restrictions in place for drone operations, but don’t worry, flying drones in the city is still possible, as long as you follow the rules.

Whether you’re interested in capturing stunning aerial photography or videography, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the drone laws, permits, and restrictions in Tokyo. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to fly a drone legally and responsibly in Tokyo.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tokyo has regulations for drone operations, but hobbyist drone flights are allowed within certain limits.
  • Hobbyists must register their drone if it weighs over 100g and obtain permission for flights.
  • Commercial drone flights are allowed in Tokyo, but operators need a Japan drone pilot license and must register their drone.
  • Foreign visitors can fly drones in Tokyo with a permit but do not require a Japan drone pilot license.
  • Government drone flights are permitted, but registration is required.

Hobbyist Drone Laws in Tokyo

If you are a hobbyist looking to fly a drone in Tokyo, there are certain laws and regulations you need to be aware of. While you do not need a Japan drone pilot license for hobbyist operations, there are still guidelines you must follow to ensure safe and legal flying.

Registration: Hobbyists are required to register their drones with the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) if their drone weighs over 100g. This registration process helps in identifying drone owners and ensures accountability.

Permission for Flights: In addition to registration, hobbyists must obtain permission for their drone flights. This permission ensures that flights are conducted responsibly and do not interfere with other aircraft or pose a risk to public safety.

Insurance: While drone insurance is not legally required for hobbyist operations in Tokyo, it is highly recommended. Insurance provides coverage in case of accidents, damage, or any liabilities that may arise from drone flights.

Table: Hobbyist Drone Laws in Tokyo

RegistrationRequired for drones weighing over 100g
Permission for FlightsMust obtain permission for each flight
InsuranceNot legally required, but recommended

By adhering to these laws and regulations, hobbyists can enjoy flying their drones in Tokyo while ensuring the safety of themselves and others. It is important to stay updated with any changes or updates to the drone laws and guidelines set by the JCAB to ensure compliance.

Commercial Drone Laws in Tokyo

If you’re planning to operate a commercial drone in Tokyo, it’s essential to understand the specific laws and regulations that apply. By following the guidelines set by the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, you can ensure legal and safe drone operations.

To fly a commercial drone in Tokyo, operators must have a Japan drone pilot license. This license demonstrates the necessary knowledge and skills to operate a drone in professional settings. Additionally, commercial drone operators must register their drones with the relevant authorities to comply with the regulations.

While drone insurance is not legally required for commercial operations in Tokyo, it is strongly recommended. Insurance coverage can protect operators from potential liabilities associated with accidents or property damage during drone flights.

commercial drone flights in tokyo

To ensure compliance with commercial drone laws in Tokyo, it is crucial to regularly check the JCAB and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism’s official website for any updates or changes in regulations. By staying informed, you can keep your drone operations legal and contribute to a safer airspace environment.

Japan Drone Pilot LicenseOperators must have a valid Japan drone pilot license to operate commercial drones in Tokyo.
Drone RegistrationCommercial drone operators must register their drones with the relevant authorities.
Drone InsuranceWhile not legally required, it is recommended to have drone insurance for commercial operations.

Drone Laws in Tokyo for Visitors

If you are a foreign visitor in Tokyo and want to fly a drone, there are certain regulations and requirements you need to be aware of. While visitors do not need a Japan drone pilot license, they must obtain a permit in advance to fly a drone in the city.

Applying for a drone permit as a tourist is a straightforward process. The Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) provides an online application system where you can submit your request. Alternatively, you can apply in person at the JCAB office in Tokyo. It is important to apply for the permit well in advance of your planned drone flight to allow for processing time.

When flying a drone as a tourist in Tokyo, you are also required to follow the regulations set by the JCAB. This includes adhering to the drone remote ID requirements and ensuring you fly the drone within permitted areas. While drone insurance is not mandatory for tourist operations, it is highly recommended to protect yourself and others in case of any accidents or damages.

Drone Laws for Tourists in TokyoRequirements
PermitObtain a permit in advance from JCAB
Drone Remote IDFollow the JCAB regulations for drone remote ID
Flight RestrictionsFly the drone within permitted areas
Drone InsuranceNot mandatory, but highly recommended

Drone Laws in Tokyo for Government Operations

Governments in Tokyo have specific regulations in place for drone operations. While Japan drone pilot license is not required, government personnel must still adhere to certain rules and requirements.

Government Drone Flights

Government drone flights are allowed in Tokyo without the need for a Japan drone pilot license. This means that government personnel can operate drones for various purposes, such as surveillance, research, or emergency response.

Government Drone Registration

However, government personnel must still register their drones with the relevant authorities. This registration process ensures that the government has a record of the drones being used and can monitor their operations if necessary.

Government Drone Remote ID

A remote ID system is not specifically mentioned in the available information for government drone operations in Tokyo. However, it is always advisable to follow the latest guidelines and regulations set by the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.

Government Drone Insurance

Drone insurance is not required for government drone operations in Tokyo. However, it is important for government personnel to assess the risks involved in their drone operations and consider obtaining insurance coverage to protect against any potential incidents or accidents.


Government personnel in Tokyo are allowed to fly drones without a Japan drone pilot license. However, they must register their drones and follow the regulations set by the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism. While drone insurance is not required, it is recommended to mitigate any potential risks.

Drone Regulations and Permits in Tokyo

When flying a drone in Tokyo, it is important to understand and adhere to the regulations set by the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism. These regulations ensure the safety and responsible use of drones in the city. Here, we will provide an overview of the key regulations, permits, and requirements for drone operations in Tokyo.

Drone Registration

In Tokyo, all drones weighing over 100g must be registered with the JCAB. This registration process ensures that drone owners are accountable for their aircraft and helps identify responsible operators. By registering your drone, you can fly legally and avoid any potential penalties. The registration process can be done online through the JCAB’s official website.

Drone Remote ID

Drone remote identification, or remote ID, is a system that allows authorities to remotely identify and track drones while they are in flight. In Tokyo, drones are required to have a remote ID system installed. This helps to enhance safety and accountability in the airspace by providing real-time information about the drone’s location and operator.

Drone Insurance

While drone insurance is not a legal requirement in Tokyo, it is highly recommended. Drone insurance provides coverage for any potential damages or accidents that may occur during flight operations. It offers peace of mind and financial protection, ensuring that you are not held liable for any unforeseen incidents. Be sure to explore different insurance options and choose a policy that suits your specific needs and requirements.

Drone RegistrationRequired for drones weighing over 100g
Drone Remote IDRequired for all drones
Drone InsuranceRecommended but not mandatory

By following these regulations and obtaining the necessary permits, you can enjoy flying your drone in Tokyo while ensuring the safety and privacy of others. Remember to always fly responsibly, respect restricted areas, and maintain a good understanding of the local regulations. The JCAB and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism’s official website is a valuable resource for further information and guidance on drone regulations and permits in Tokyo.

drone regulations in tokyo

Restricted and Unrestricted Areas for Drone Flying in Tokyo

If you’re planning to fly your drone in Tokyo, it’s important to be aware of the restricted and unrestricted areas for drone flying. The majority of the 23 wards of Tokyo fall under the category of “highly densely populated areas” where drone flights are restricted. In these areas, flights may require permission or special approval depending on the location and purpose. It’s crucial to respect the regulations and guidelines set by the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism to ensure safe and responsible drone operations.

To assist drone pilots in navigating the restricted and unrestricted areas, the JCAB provides an interactive map on their official website. This map allows users to determine whether a specific area in Tokyo is restricted or unrestricted for drone flying. It’s essential to consult this map before planning any drone flights in the city. By doing so, you can ensure that you’re flying within the legal boundaries and avoid any potential violations.

Restricted Areas for Drone Flying in Tokyo

The restricted areas in Tokyo include highly populated residential areas, commercial districts, and sensitive government facilities. When flying your drone in Tokyo, it’s crucial to avoid these areas to ensure the safety and privacy of the public. Additionally, flying over airports, government or military facilities is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized flights in restricted areas could lead to legal consequences and jeopardize the reputation of the drone community.

Unrestricted Areas for Drone Flying in Tokyo

While many areas in Tokyo are restricted for drone flying, there are also parts of the city that offer more freedom for drone operations. These less densely populated areas provide opportunities for drone enthusiasts to capture stunning aerial photography and videography legally. However, even in unrestricted areas, it’s important to always fly responsibly, respect privacy, and follow the rules and regulations set by the JCAB and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.

Restricted AreasUnrestricted Areas
– Highly populated residential areas
– Commercial districts
– Sensitive government facilities
– Airports, government or military facilities
– Less densely populated areas outside restricted zones

Conclusion (Can You Fly a Drone in Tokyo?)

Flying drones in Tokyo comes with its own set of regulations and guidelines that need to be followed to ensure safe and responsible drone operations. The Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism have established drone laws in Tokyo to maintain the security and privacy of its residents. Whether you are a hobbyist, a commercial operator, a foreign visitor, or a government personnel, it is important to familiarize yourself with the specific rules that apply to your situation.

To comply with drone regulations in Tokyo, hobbyists need to register their drones if they weigh over 100g and obtain permission for their flights. For commercial operators, having a Japan drone pilot license and registering the drone are mandatory. Foreign visitors can fly drones in Tokyo but must apply for permits in advance. Government operations also require registration. It is advisable to visit the JCAB and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism’s official website for comprehensive information about drone laws in Tokyo.

By following the regulations and obtaining the necessary permits, you can enjoy flying drones in Tokyo. Just remember to adhere to the designated restricted and unrestricted areas. Avoid flying over airports, government or military facilities, and respect the privacy of others. Drone flying in Tokyo can provide a unique opportunity to capture stunning aerial photography and videography in this beautiful city. So, make sure to stay informed, fly responsibly, and embrace the exciting world of drone flying in Tokyo!


Can I fly a drone in Tokyo?

Yes, you can fly a drone in Tokyo. However, there are regulations and restrictions that you need to follow.

What are the drone laws for hobbyists in Tokyo?

Hobbyists can fly drones in Tokyo without needing a Japan drone pilot license, as long as they follow certain rules. They must register their drone if it weighs over 100g and obtain permission for flights. Drone insurance is not required for hobbyist operations, but it is recommended.

What are the drone laws for commercial operators in Tokyo?

Commercial drone flights are allowed in Tokyo, but operators must have a Japan drone pilot license and register their drone. Drone insurance is not required for commercial operations, but it is recommended.

Can foreign visitors fly drones in Tokyo?

Yes, foreign visitors are allowed to fly drones in Tokyo, but they need to apply for a permit in advance. They do not require a Japan drone pilot license, but they must follow the regulations set by the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB). Drone insurance is not required for tourist operations, but it is recommended.

What are the drone laws for government operations in Tokyo?

Government drone flights are allowed in Tokyo without the need for a Japan drone pilot license. However, registration is required for government operations. Drone insurance is not required for government drone operations.

Where can I find more information about drone regulations and permits in Tokyo?

More details on drone regulations, permits, and other related information can be found on the official website of the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.

Are there restricted areas for drone flying in Tokyo?

Yes, the majority of the 23 wards of Tokyo are designated as “highly densely populated areas,” where drone flights are restricted. Flights may require permission or special approval depending on the location and purpose. It is important to check the interactive map provided by the JCAB to determine whether an area is restricted or unrestricted for drone flying.

Can I fly a drone over airports or government facilities in Tokyo?

No, it is prohibited to fly drones over airports, government facilities, and military facilities in Tokyo. It is also essential to respect the privacy of others while flying drones.